How To Spam Facebook Like A Professional

Submitted by: Melissa Kay

Collect consumers contact details easily with “You ve won a free camera” ad

Design online quizzes to collect phone numbers and to achieve maximum reach

Show personal details on landing pages to increase conversion

Earn high profits by using cloaking method

Have you ever wondered how much profit online scammers make on Facebook? Who clicks on ads that say Inbox (5). Nick, someone in San Francisco has a crush on you! ? There are plenty actually. Here are some interesting facts on Facebook online spamming:

The platform was generating 400 million impressions a day by 2008

Ads on Facebook get up to 4% CTR, compared to just 0.1% on AdSense


Developers, who are generally college students specialising in web development, easily earning over $10,000 a day in ad revenue

Unlike most other social networking or Internet sites, the website design of Facebook allows it to dynamically insert user data into ad to make it look like an application

Facebook users either do not have or want to use their credit cards, and are not interested in shopping so most ads featured do not require users to spend any money

So now that you know how profitable online spamming is, how do you professionally plan your first online spam? Not all spam ads are just about putting up a picture of a sexy woman with text “Click Here” imprinted on it. That s not skilful online spamming. If you are an online marketing agency, here are some ways to consider when planning your first online spam:

1) Feature a “You ve won a free camera” ad

This is a good method to consider if you want your consumers to willingly hand you their email or home addresses. Use ads that say “You ve won a free camera” or “You ve been selected to test out Apple s latest MacBook Pro” and Facebook users will be delighted to hand you their personal particulars.

2) Online personality quiz

Develop an online personality or IQ quiz with an interesting twist and Facebook users will lap it up excitedly. They frequently publish the results of the latest quizzes they ve taken online, thus promoting the quizzes to other users on their Friends list. You can use this method to encourage users to give you their phone numbers and invite 10 other friends to take up the test before revealing their results.

For the last 2 years, getting consumers phone numbers has been the most lucrative business in Facebook, even more than fake weight loss offers.

3) Show personal details on landing pages

This method just requires users names and images to be shown on landing pages. Although this is a very effective way to increase conversion, be careful a couple of ad networks, SocialReach and SocialHour, have been banned for violating platform terms.

As of this moment, Facebook prefers to allow a laissez-faire economy. So unless you are blatantly violating their terms or their call centre is flooded with complaints, you should be safe.

4) Allow toolbar download

Allow users to download a toolbar. Use spyware, such as Zango, or something more legitimate, for example Webfetti or Zwinkys.

5) Use cloaking

Consider showing a different page based on the IP address. One of the largest Facebook advertisers successfully uses this technique he submits a relatively tame ad for approval and once it has been approved, redirects the url to a spammy page. Although this might be deemed as aggressive advertising, they still managed to stay on Facebook, possibly because of the high profit they re making using this method.

As enforcement gradually tightens within the next few years, Facebook will eventually put more rules into place and scammers will slowly be replaced by legitimate advertisers. When these online social networking sites were first launched, ad agencies earnings were in the 10 to 15 cent range. But spammers increased it to 20 cents per click when they pay up to $6 per thousand impressions. Soon, big brand advertisers will be paying $10 or even $50 per thousand impressions for the same inventory. This is when the spammers will be replaced by the legitimate advertisers before venturing into the next big thing.

About the Author: Melissa has 8 years experience working with companies such as HSBC, Bayer Healthcare and Packard Bell and is currently a

web designer


Online Marketing

Company – Conversion Hub. She is also a SEO consultant for a certified

SEO company Singapore



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